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Saturday, August 31, 2013


A family reunion turns into a full-on massacre when a gang of masked killers invade a sprawling country mansion on a ruthless mission of murder. Paul (Rob Moran) and Aubrey Davison (Barbara Crampton) are about to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and they've invited their grown-up children out to the country to share in the revelry. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Director: Adam Wingard

Cast: Sharni Vinson, A.J. Bowen, Wendy Glenn, Joe Swanberg, Barbara Crampton

Release Date: Aug 23, 2013

Rated R for some Sexuality/Nudity, Language and Strong Bloody Violence

Runtime: 1 hr. 34 min.

Genres: Horror, Suspense/Thriller


You’re Next isn’t a game changing entry in the horror genre but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. At its base it’s a simple straight forward plot which has some twist and turns but some of them are telegraphed a bit too early. There is only a smattering of horror movie logic at play during the film as the cast makes some bone headed decisions here and there. It’s not terrible and the film delivers some effective jump scares while peppering the film with bits of effective comedy which breaks up the tone. Sharni Vinson makes for a solid lead you can easily root for throughout. Vinson’s tough girl act is believable while she takes on all comers while trying to survive the attack with the family. The supporting cast varies from fun (AJ Bowen, Joe Swanberg) to nearly mute and nondescript (Wendy Glenn). You’re Next is the kind of horror film that gets your blood pumping but never takes itself overly serious.


Thursday, August 29, 2013


The summer movies season is over so it’s time to deliver my top 5 films of the summer.

I watch a lot of films but I don’t see everything and outright ignore certain films (Lone Ranger, Fast & Furious 6). During the summer I don’t watch as many indie films so this list is blockbuster heavy, so without further ado….

#5 - The Conjuring

The Conjuring doesn’t do anything I haven’t seen before but it’s hard to ignore the craftsmanship on display. As a result, what could have been another drive through terribly familiar territory turns into of the most engaging and effective horror films of the year.

#4 - The World’s End

Honestly, I was ready made to love this movie. I’ve loved all of Wright, Pegg and Frost previous works (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) so I’m an easy mark. Still, I was surprised at how much heart and contemplation was on display. In addition to the zany fun and sharp dialogue of course.

#3 - The Great Gatsby

I love Baz Luhrmann as a filmmaker, he’s not for everybody’s taste but he’s given me some of my favorite movie going experiences. Needless to say The Great Gatsby was pretty high on my list of most anticipated film of the summer and he delivered in spades. I was thoroughly engaged with the film from start to film and left impressed with Luhrmann’s restraint in the 2nd half of the film. This was my favorite movie of the summer for a good while.

#2 - This is the End

The cast of This is the End is made up of actors and comedians I love so I was worried it’d never live up. Thankfully it didn’t. I’ve seen the movie twice and each time I laughed so much that I’d felt like I’d just finished up an ab workout.

#1 - Pacific Rim

Guillermo del Toro is one of my favorite and dependable directors. Pacific Rim was right up my ally from the start. This is one of the few films I’ve seen that actually made me feel like a kid again. There were a handful of moments that literally gave me chills. This is a perfect summer film which deserved a much bigger audience.

Biggest Disappointments:

Star Trek Into Darkness

Being a Trekkie, this was the film I was most looking forward to this past summer. Sadly, it left me terribly disappointed. Everything in it was predictable. It wasn’t a huge surprise since so much of it was simply rehashed from previous films. It really seemed like a waste of talent. I really hope the 3rd one, Karl Urban agrees, blazes a new original path. All that being said, I am going to give this another shot on video.

The Hangover 3

I can’t say I had huge expectation for the 3rd film but I’d hoped it deliver some laughs with the non recycled plot. I think I only laughed 2 or 3 times during the whole. Please put a fork in this franchise.

Random surprises:

2 Guns

The trailer was a lot of fun but really didn’t know what to expect with the actual movie. Sure it’s stupid even though it’s overly complicated but its also a lot of fun!

The Purge

The Purge was a lot better than expected especially since I probably would have skipped it if there was something else playing that weekend. Personally I’d love to see sequel to flesh out some of the ideas thrown out.

I think I might have overrated:

Man of Steel

I gave Man of Steel a B- originally but I can’t say I remember much about it outside of a few bits here and there. I’ll give it another watch on video to make sure I liked it as much as I thought I did.

World War Z

Meanwhile, I won’t be watching World War Z again. I did give it a fair shot when I saw it and I think I ended up being too lenient on it. It was decent but fairly generic and forgettable.

That’s it, that’s all of it.

Now on to the Fall movie season!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cindy Prascik’s Quickie DVD Review of No One Lives

Dearest Blog, you know how sometimes movies don't make much of a box office splash, then you pick 'em up on DVD and they're so good you wonder why they didn't do better business? Okay, yesterday I didn't do that. Yesterday I bought No One Lives.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers, which were surprisingly prevalent despite the film's limited release.

On the road and looking for a fresh start, a man and his girlfriend make a pit stop and are harassed by some local thugs...who may just have bitten off more than they can chew.

No One Lives is a cesspool of violence, gore, foul language, and insipid dialogue, one of the worst films I've ever seen. Its intent is to shock, but it doesn't even provide any cheap startle-scares or bother trying to build suspense.

If the movie has a redeeming quality--and trust me, I'm reaching--it's that a bona fide starring role in even a lousy film provides a glimpse of Luke Evans' prowess as a genuine Movie Star, and leaves you eager for the day when he has the lead in a movie that deserves him.

No One Lives clocks in at a mercifully short 86 minutes, and is rated R for "strong bloody violence, disturbing images, pervasive language, and some sexuality/nudity."

Well done, something this over-the-top could have been a lot of fun, but, alas, this is anything but well done.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, No One Lives gets one, and that's only because I'm feeling generous.

Until next time...

...but, hey, Luke Evans! :-)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cindy Prascik’s Reviews of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones / The World's End

Dearest Blog, this weekend's cinema offerings were a hodge-podge of dread and great anticipation, respectively, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and The World's End.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.

First up was another in Hollywood's seemingly-endless stream of teen supernatural thrillers, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

When her mother goes missing, a young girl discovers she has the blood of a Shadowhunter, that is a secret league of demon-hunting warriors.

Oh, Aidan Turner, the things I do for you. Not the things I would do for you--which are many, varied, and profane--but the things I do do for you, such as paying good money to watch this.

It is my understanding that the Mortal Instruments series was initially based on Harry Potter fanfiction, as the inexplicably popular 50 Shades of Gray series is based on Twilight fanfic. Note to Hollywood: please stop making movies based on fanfiction. You're embarrassing yourself.

City of Bones is derivative and shallow, but the bigger problem is the same one that has plagued recent seasons of True Blood and Once Upon a Time, that is, it introduces such a jumble of characters that often the story it really wants to tell is nowhere in sight. These secret Shadowhunters and their demon enemies, while far from original, could have been interesting enough, but by the time you mix in vampires and werewolves and time travel and a little daddy-angst to boot, what you're left with is a pretty big mess. Much of the dialogue is cringe-worthy, and parts of the film were so awful I threw my hands over my face in dismay. The flip side of that is, other than being far too long, the movie honestly isn't boring, and there are some bits that are really pretty good. Most stabs at humor hit the mark, although there were also several times my cinema was cracking up over stuff that clearly was not meant to be funny.

Lily Collins and her mighty eyebrows do a passable job in the lead. Her male counterparts, Jamie Campbell Bower and Robert Sheehan, are the movie's highlights, both quite engaging. As is the norm these days, all my favorites are relegated to "somebody's mom"- and "somebody's dad"-type roles. The fetching Mr. Turner has less to do than I'd have liked, but more to do than I expected, so we'll call it a draw. Playing the otherworldly is old hat to Turner by now, so of course he does a fine job of it. It's nice to see Lena Heady, Jared Harris, Kevin Durand, and CCH Pounder in smaller roles, but the real scene-stealer is Jonathan Rhys Myers in his usual over-the-top fashion.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones runs 130 minutes and is rated PG13 for "intense sequences of fantasy violence and action, and some suggestive content."

The good news is it's not as bad as I expected. The bad news is it's still pretty bad.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones gets four and a half.

Next up was the genius Edgar Wright's latest offering, The World's End.

A group of once-inseparable friends reunites to complete a legendary pub crawl. When they return to their hometown, they discover things are not quite as they remember.

Dear Blog, it is well known that I worship at the altar of Wright/Pegg/Frost. It would be fair to say, along with The Hobbit, The World's End is my most-anticipated film of the year. I am pleased to report my enthusiasm has been well placed.

This story of five friends, who have drifted apart in the two decades since they left school, is sincere and likely feels familiar to most adults on my side of 40. Sympathetic performances from Nick Frost and Eddie Marsan are the dramatic highlights, while Simon Pegg gets to be the funnyman this time around. Favorites Paddy Considine and Martin Freeman are also terrific. On the sci-fi side, the idea isn't necessarily anything new, but it's well executed with some pretty cool effects. Both sides of the plot--the situation among these five friends, and the fantastic happenings in their old hometown--are interesting from start to finish; the story never misses a step. Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg deserve full marks for writing a film that goes in so many directions, yet never feels like it's lost its way. All the pieces fit perfectly.

The World's End clocks in at a perfectly-paced 109 minutes and is rated R for "pervasive language, including sexual references."

The World's End defies categorization. It's comedy, it's sci-fi, and it's genuinely moving drama, all at the same time.

It is also (*trumpet fanfare*) the first film of 2013 to earn a perfect nine of a possible nine Weasleys. And, damn, This Corrosion sounds fine in surround sound!!

Until next time...

Admit it, he could make you do worse things than sit through a lousy movie...

Friday, August 23, 2013


Five lifelong friends reunite to complete a historic pub crawl from their youth, and find that reaching the fabled World's End tavern will be no simple undertaking while they also fight for the future of all mankind. Twenty years ago, Gary King (Simon Pegg) and his pals embarked on the ultimate drinking marathon. Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan, and Rosamund Pike co-star in the final chapter of Edgar Wright's "Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy," which began with 2004's Shaun of the Dead and continued in 2007's Hot Fuzz. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Edgar Wright

Cast: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan

Release Date: Aug 23, 2013

Rated R for sexual References and Pervasive Language

Runtime: 1 hr. 49 min.

Genres: Comedy


The final entry in the Cornetto Trilogy is the zany over the top homage, this time riffing on classic sci-fi films, we’d come to expect after Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. What’s unexpected and refreshing is the reflective occasionally poignant moments Edgar Wright gives us to chew on. Wright and Pegg wrote the script and it’d have been easy for them to take a easier path down the Golden Mile. Instead they opt for some solid reflection on middle age and trying to recapture those moments from our youth. Of course this is all interwoven between a town full Stepford Wives / Body Snatchers “not robots.” Even though there’s a tangible beating heart at its center, the crew delivers the kind of laughs we’d come to expect. Simon Pegg is allowed to bust loose after playing the straight man in the 2 other films. Pegg, looking intentionally haggard and sporting shoe polish black hair, does a wonderful job of portraying the self centered loser trying desperately to recapture his youth. He has a manic hopped up energy throughout but there’s a tangible sadness behind everything. Nick Frost handles the complicated relationship with Pegg’s character very well. It’s not what we’ve from these two in the other 2 films since it’s a much more complicated dynamic. Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman and Eddie Marsan all have solid but limited roles. Freeman in particular isn’t given a ton to do which is a shame considering the increasingly frenetic pace of the film. The pace grows more erratic and frenzied as the film heads into the final act. Along the way, Wright gives us some of the most enjoyable fight sequences I’ve seen. Each one is wonderfully choreographed and hilarious. The seams do start to fray a bit during the final minutes which drag on a tad bit too long. It felt like the group got a case of Lord of the Rings syndrome and just didn’t want it to end. Honestly, can you blame them?


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cindy Prascik’s Reviews of Byzantium / Coffee Town

Dearest Blog, being from a small town, my cinema choices are generally limited to whatever blockbusters are showing at the local multiplex.

However, my cable company has, of late, started making smaller films available via pay-per-view during their theatrical runs, an offer I can't refuse!

This week I was fortunate to see two indie flicks: Byzantium and Coffee Town.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the...wait, who am I kidding? I've never seen a trailer for either of these. Let's leave it with "I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible."

First up, I utilized a nice midweek day off to catch the thriller Byzantium.

Two mysterious women, on the run for their lives and harboring a dark secret, take up residence in a British coastal town.

I don't think it's giving too much away to state up front that Byzantium is a vampire movie. Even knowing next to nothing about it, I knew that.

There is a bit of build up, but it's not a secret the film attempts to keep for long. With its foundation of these two women in hiding and making a living however they can, Byzantium feels more grounded than your average supernatural thriller, and solid performances by stars Gemma Arterton and Saoirse Ronan accentuate the movie's tense, gritty atmosphere. Though Ronan and her male counterpart, played by Caleb Landry Jones, are both very young, thankfully there is no Twilightey feel to this movie; it's written and played well enough to be taken seriously. The film doesn't look quite as goth as I expected (again, admitting I knew little about it beforehand), but it sustains a cool, dark vibe throughout and builds to an ending I did not anticipate. For horror fans, I'd call the gore-level moderate, with much of the carnage implied rather than shown.

It's also worth noting that the always smokin' Arterton has dialed up the hotness to eleven for this picture.

Byzantium clocks in at 118 minutes and is rated R for "bloody violence, sexual content, and language."

As a longtime fan of vampires and vampire movies, I'm waiting for a new one to come along that's good enough (and popular enough) that
people stop thinking "Edward Cullen" when someone says "fangs." Byzantium isn't quite that, but it's a good step in the right direction.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, Byzantium gets six and a half.

Last night, we found ourselves at loose ends (meaning all the Harry Potter movies that were on had ended by 9:30), so we took advantage of another XFinity On Demand offering, Coffee Town.

Much to the dismay of the store manager, a webmaster uses a local coffee shop (and its free wi-fi) as his office. When he discovers the shop is to be converted to a trendy bistro, he conspires with his friends to derail the plan...and perhaps bag his dream girl in the process.

As regular reader(s) will know, I'm not much for comedy, and I'm far too used to being let down by comedies. I'm happy to report Coffee Town is a pleasant surprise.

Much of Coffee Town's humor is so very wrong that I can't count the times we gave each other the, "Did they really just say/do that??" look. A good bit of it is flat-out gross, too, but none of that will bother Glen Howerton's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia fanbase. Howerton is good in the leading role, and his supporting cast is funny and entertaining, particularly Steve Little, who kept me laughing despite the fact I really wanted to slap him most of the time. The premise may sound thin, but the story is curiously interesting and we were engaged from start to finish.

Coffee Town runs a quick 87 minutes and is unrated.

Coffee Town provides consistent (and consistently inappropriate) laughs, with an good story and solid comedic performances all 'round.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, Coffee Town gets seven.

So, dear Blog, that's all the news that's fit to print for now. Next weekend is The World's End, and I'll thank you, dear reader(s), for keeping a good thought that it actually plays here. If it does not, I cannot be responsible for my actions.

Until next time...

Was I saying something?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cindy Prascik’s Review of Paranoia

Dearest Blog, a day of lunacy, with an unexpected detour to the DMV, left me time for only one movie on this weekend of four major new releases. Since one of the four has Gary Oldman and the other three do not, I believe the technical term for this decision is "a gimmie." Paranoia it is!

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers. I'm going to have to comment on the film's ending, but I won't give it away.

A tech whiz-kid is used as a pawn in two industry giants' bitter feud.

I am sorry to report that Paranoia does not break the mold in this summer of movies that have been less than expected. It's fairly entertaining, but definitely not the smartly twisting thriller I expected.

Star Liam Hemsworth matches his big brother Chris in the looks department, but lacks the magnetism that allows Chris to share a screen with the likes of Robert Downey, Jr. and not be utterly invisible. Oscar-nominated supporting cast notwithstanding, it's up to Hemsworth to carry Paranoia, and, sadly, the task is beyond him. Hemsworth is a fine physical specimen, and his charms are randomly and gratuitously on display throughout the movie. (That's not a complaint, more a know, if you have a weak heart or something.) His performance is passable, but not strong enough to salvage a so-so film.

Supporting players Oldman, Harrison Ford, and Richard Dreyfuss are the movie's goldmine and are surprisingly well-used. When any one of the three is onscreen, Paranoia becomes infinitely more engaging. For supporting roles, I can't really complain about Oldman's or Ford's screentime, but the movie noticeably loses its spark when neither is present. In these days of Sirius Black and Jim Gordon,

Paranoia is a nice reminder of just how good Gary Oldman is at being bad!

Paranoia has relatively few attempts at humor, and most of what it has falls flat. The film consistently fails to sustain any tension or suspense, and there were zero (0) twists that I didn't see coming from a mile out. I rolled my eyes so much at the ending I was afraid they might stick. Even allowing for its many faults, though, Paranoia didn't bore me, and I wouldn't say it's a terrible movie...just not anywhere near as good as I'd hoped.

For my fellow Gary Fangirls and Fanboys, Paranoia sees Gary looking extra-fine, dapper in grey suits with mostly purple ties (though they went for blue at the end), very handsome. His screentime is more than acceptable for a supporting role and, as I'm sure I don't need to say, his scenes represent all the movie's high points. This is Gary's only big-screen appearance of 2013, so I enthusiastically suggest everyone get out and see him while you can!

Paranoia clocks in at 106 minutes and is rated PG13 for "some sexuality, violence, and language."

Paranoia is carrying a rating of just 4.5 at IMDB, and an embarrassing two-percent at Rotten Tomatoes. Before seeing it yesterday, I heard it called "the worst movie of Harrison Ford's career," all of which I think is unnecessarily harsh. Paranoia is a bit of pointless summer brain candy, to be enjoyed and forgotten.

It's far from brilliant, but I wasn't bored either.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, Paranoia gets five.

Until next time...

Forget about rich. Make me Mrs. Oldman, dammit! ;-)


In a future in which the privileged reside on an Earth-orbiting space station named Elysium and the less fortunate live on the surface of the blighted, overpopulated planet below, one man dares to defy the strict anti-immigration laws that separate the two disparate worlds in order to save all of mankind in this visceral sci-fi action thriller from District 9 director Neill Blomkamp. Alice Braga, Diego Luna, William Fichtner, and Faran Tahir, Sharlto Copley co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Neill Blomkamp

Cast: Matt Damon, Alice Braga, Jodie Foster, Faran Tahir, William Fichtner, Sharlto Copley

Release Date: Aug 09, 2013

Rated R for Strong Bloody Violence and Language Throughout

Runtime: 1 hr. 49 min.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama


Neill Blomkamp’s follow up to District 9 is heavy on allegory but surprisingly light on plot. It’s a steady effective and exciting sci-fi film which is full of cool gadgets and intense action. Blomkamp though is content to take us on a guide tour through this dystopia as we follow Damon’s damaged hero on his journey. We get some glimpses into this world but the film only scratches the surface of themes and systems presented. Additionally there are a handful of plot holes present specifically the final resolution. I would have preferred a headier film, Elysium deliver plenty of spectacle throughout pepper with some impressively graphic violence. Damon’s delivers solid work as usual even though the script doesn’t give him much meat to chew on. Flashbacks, usually heavy hand and unnecessary, give the character a bit of depth and motivation but it’s all fairly routine. To his credit, Damon is strong enough to make us care about his character throughout. Jodie Foster though is surprisingly bad as the primary villain. She sports a distractingly bad French accent while spouting out some terribly clunky dialogue which never hits the mark. Sharlto Copley fares much better as the maniacal Kruger. Copley gives his character a crazed energy which makes him the most interesting thing on screen whenever he’s on it. Blomkamp is working with a bigger budget than he did on his first film and he leaves it all onscreen. As a result the film flies with nary a lag in the action. I just wish it was a slightly deeper excursion.


Friday, August 16, 2013


His heroic antics having inspired a citywide wave of masked vigilantes, Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) joins their ranks to help clean up the streets, only to face a formidable challenge when the vengeful Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) transforms himself into the world's first super villain in this sequel written and directed by Jeff Wadlow (Never Back Down). John Leguizamo, Donald Faison, Morris Chestnut, and Robert Emms co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Jeff Wadlow

Cast: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jim Carrey, John Leguizamo, Donald Faison

Release Date: Aug 16, 2013

Rated R for strong violence, pervasive language, crude and sexual content, and brief nudity

Runtime: 1 hr. 47 min.

Genres: Superhero, Action/Adventure, Comedy


The first Kick Ass film was always going to be a tough act to follow. That’s not to say that there isn’t plenty to like in this serviceable sequel. Actually there’s a lot to like actually, especially for fans but watching the sequel you jhave a sense that there’s something missing. It provides the over the top violence and witty dialogue from the first but lacks some of the punch. It has a strange over the top but neutered softer feel throughout. There are big tonal shifts throughout which exasperates the issue. Another issue is that Hit Girl is sidelined for big chucks of the film. Chloë Grace Moretz is mostly relegated to dealing with mean girl instead of kicking ass. When she’s in costume, Moretz brings the same kind of spark and energy she did in the original, something this sequel sorely needed. That being said, Moretz’s subplot achieves a rather poignant moment of vulnerability in the third act, really showing off her range. Aaron Taylor-Johnson isn’t as impressive but he’s solid throughout. He brings the same goofy aloof earnestness to the titular character. Johnson is adequately wide eye throughout but it’s a tougher to believe that he’s an actual high school senior this time around. The remaining supporting cast is fun but most are underused and underdeveloped. Jim Carrey in particular is underused even though he shines in his limited scenes. He brings the wacky energy that Nic Cage did in the original and I wish there was more of him. Donald Faison has a small role as an overly caffeinated hero; it’s a fun little role which also could have done with a tad more screen time. The rest of the heroes are kind of background noise even Kick Ass’s new love interest played by the lovely Lindy Booth. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is a bit of a mixed bag as the villain. He’s never menacing enough to be taken seriously. The script doesn’t do him any favors with some clunky dialogue. To Mintz-Plasse’s credit he does provide some funny moments. So is this a worthy sequel to Kick Ass? It works more than it doesn’t but it never reaches the heights of original. Fans of the original, like myself, will find plenty to like here. Just don’t expect to be blown away.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cindy Prascik’s Reviews of Elysium / Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Dearest Blog, today it was off to the cinema as usual. On the bill: Elysium and Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.
Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.

First up was Elysium, Neill Blomkamp's followup to the critically acclaimed District 9.
In the not-so-distant future, most folks live on a ruined Earth that's long on people and short on resources. The wealthy, however, spend their days on a luxurious outpost called Elysium, where there's no pollution, sickness, crime, or other unpleasantness. Circumstances force Max (Matt Damon) to try to get to Elysium at any cost, but his efforts could have a lasting impact on both sides of society.

I think District 9 is a masterpiece, plain and simple, so to suggest my expectations for Elysium were ridiculous would be fair enough. Even though the movie doesn't quite meet them, it's still pretty impressive.

There's nothing subtle about Elysium's message--the imbalance between rich and poor--but I never felt like it beat me over the head with it, either, probably because it never pretends otherwise. The plot is reasonably engaging and the runtime is sensible enough that you don't get bored.

It would be misleading to say Elysium is a beautiful movie, because nothing could be further from the truth. Elysium, of course, looks like a pleasant place to live, but isn't any prettier on screen than the average golf course. The futuristic vision of Earth is grungy and depressing, but effective for bringing home the hopelessness of the average person's life. So...while it's not gorgeous, it is perfect.
Matt Damon is sympathetic and believable as a guy buried under the weight of past poor decisions, with little hope of ever getting out. William Fichtner is appropriately slimy as a business owner with regard for only his own skin (and bottom line). It goes without saying that the standout is Sharlto Copley, who's fantastic as a renegade member of Elysium's security force. The rest of the supporting cast is fine, if unremarkable, with the disappointing exception of Jodie Foster. I found her performance wooden and, frankly, a bit grating (and where she was going with that accent, I have no idea).

Elysium runs 109 minutes and is rated R for "strong bloody violence and language throughout."

It's not the masterpiece I'd hoped for, but it's still pretty darn good. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Elysium gets seven.

Next on the agenda was the sequel Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.

To restore protections to their safe haven, Percy Jackson and other half-bloods brave the Sea of Monsters, in hopes of finding the Golden Fleece.

The first Percy Jackson movie was passable teen-fantasy fluff, and the sequel is much the same. The plot feels like a soup that maybe was too thin to start, so the cook just kept tossing in ingredients 'til he ended up with something of a mess for his trouble. The film would have been better served had it focused on the main plot, without the other diversions. The dialogue ranges from flat to plain awful, and most of the attempts at humor are cringe-worthy. While some of the effects are impressive, the terrible CGI moments were too plentiful to really give kudos on that count, either.

Having said all that, the movie does have its pluses. Logan Lerman is perfectly watchable in the lead, and the always entertaining Brandon T. Jackson remains a scene stealer. The rest of the young cast is passable, and the older, familiar faces (including Anthony Head, Stanley Tucci, and Nathan Fillion) are as good as the material permits. One scene of a story being told within the story (think Hermione reading The Tale of the Three Brothers in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) is beautifully shot.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters clocks in at 106 minutes and is rated PG for "fantasy action violence, some scary images, and mild language."
It's a fun but forgettable bit of Summer brain candy that's suitable for the whole family. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters gets six.
And that, dear Blog, is that for this weekend. Next weekend is Gary Oldman's one and only cinema appearance for 2013, so you may expect much giddiness from this corner.

Until next time...

Make more movies, dammit!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

[Trailer] Thor: The Dark World

The full trailer for the Thor sequel is out and it shows off plenty of new footage, so bask in all the flowing capes and hammer throwing!

The first teaser gave the impression that’d we’d be mostly off world in the sequel but this trailer hint that we’ll be bouncing back and forth to a certain extent.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Contraband director Baltasar Kormákur and star Mark Wahlberg reteam for this all-star thriller centered on the fragile alliance between two operatives from rival bureaus, neither of whom realize that the other is working undercover. For the past year, U.S. naval intelligence officer Marcus Stigman (Wahlberg) and DEA agent Bobby Trench (Denzel Washington) have been on a covert mission to infiltrate a powerful narcotics syndicate. In the criminal underworld, trust comes in short supply. Bill Paxton, Edward James Olmos, Paula Patton, and James Marsden co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Baltasar Kormákur

Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Denzel Washington, Paula Patton, Bill Paxton, Fred Ward

Release Date: Aug 02, 2013

Rated R for violence throughout, language and brief nudity.

Runtime: 1 hr. 49 min.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Suspense/Thriller


2 Guns is an incredibly fun film which takes advantage of its 2 stars talents which is helped by a whip cracking script. Baltasar directs a brisk film which doesn’t take itself overly seriously. A solid sense of fun is established right from the start with Washington and Wahlberg shooting back and forth with each other. They have wonderful screen chemistry together making it a joy to watch them onscreen. Both seem to be having a blast working together. The supporting cast is solid throughout with Paula Patton and Edward James Olmos doing yeoman’s work in limited roles. Bill Paxton chews up the screen every minute he’s on it but in a good way. The action is big loud and violent. All of it choreographed perfectly making each action set piece more fun than the last. After a crash em up sequence between Wahlberg’s Stigman and Washington’s Trench, Wahlberg ask him to admit that was a lot of fun. I’d have to agree.



A high-school valedictorian makes a list of all of the sexual acts she wants to try before college, and seeks out the right partners to help expedite her sex education in this semiautobiographical comedy from writer/director Maggie Carey.

Director: Maggie Carey

Cast: Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons, Bill Hader, Alia Shawkat, Sarah Steele, Rachel Bilson

Rated R pervasive strong crude and sexual content including graphic dialogue, drug and alcohol use, and language - all involving teens.

Runtime: 1 hr. 44 min.

Genres: Comedy

The To Do List has the makings of a comedy gem. A strong comedic female lead flanked by an equally impressive supporting cast with a funny premise. Unfortunately, it’s evident from the start that Aubrey Plaza is miscast as the valedictorian straight arrow trying to up her sexual IQ. Plaza’s greatest strength is her deadpan sarcastic delivery and this role doesn’t fit her strengths. As a result she never seems comfortable in the role. The script does her very little favors since it can’t help but make obvious jokes, some of which miss badly, and remind us endlessly that it’s set in the 90s. The supporting cast filled out their roles nicely but considering some of the talents they fell slightly underutilized especially Bill Hader and Connie Britton. Rachel Bilson and Plaza have a fun bit of sister chemistry which helps the film in some of the dead spot. There are a few inspired sections that provide some good laughs but they are few and far between unfortunately resulting in a ho-hum comedy that feels a lot longer than its runtime. It could have been Park and Recreation’s Leslie Knope The R Rated Teen Years meets American Pie instead it just misses the mark.


Cindy Prascik’s Review of 2 Guns

Dearest Blog, yesterday I took advantage of my employer's benevolence and used my afternoon off for an early screening of the Denzel Washington/Mark Wahlberg buddy action flick 2 Guns.

Spoiler level here will be mild, only things divulged by the trailers. I must call out the film on one specific scene, but I won't mention any details.

Nothing is what it seems in the fallout of two law enforcement agents' attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel.
If we're being honest, chances of my not liking 2 Guns were slim to none, as I knew from the first trailer that it's exactly my kind of movie: action heavy, with two great male leads and nary a chick in sight. Booyah! Fortunately, the movie does not disappoint.

Though 2 Guns is obviously not short on gun battles and explosions, it also tells a great story full of interesting twists. Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg have terrific chemistry, and Washington commands the screen as only he can. If he just stood there reading the TV Guide, it'd easily be worth the price of admission. The supporting cast boasts standouts Edward James Olmos, Bill Paxton, and Fred Ward, as well as the lovely Paula Patton and James Marsden.

2 Guns is a very violent film, including one unnecessary and inexcusable scene of animal cruelty early on, but it also has a fair bit of humor. I laughed out loud several times, was engaged from start to finish, and can happily say I loved it every bit as much as I expected to.

2 Guns clocks in at 109 minutes and is rated R for "violence throughout, language, and brief nudity." If not for the awful animal-abuse scene, it might well have had my first perfect rating of the year, but, even so, of a possible nine Weasleys, 2 Guns easily earns eight.

Until next time...

Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, and it's raining money? Where do I sign up???

Friday, August 2, 2013

[Trailer 2] Machete Kills

The new trailer for Machete Kills gives you a better idea of the general plot in all its goofy glory. We also get our first glimpses of the cast and who they’ll be playing including Mel Gibson’s villain. I’m looking forward to this more and more with each passing day.

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