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Sunday, March 29, 2015


A sexually transmitted haunting plagues a Detroit teenager in this stylized horror film from director David Robert Mitchell (The Myth of the American Sleepover). In the wake of sleeping with a handsome stranger, Jay (Maika Monroe) quickly learns that she has inherited a most unusual curse: wherever she goes, lumbering, half-naked phantoms follow, and their singular goal is to see her dead. Desperate, Jay turns to her younger sister and loyal circle of friends to for help. In time, however, Jay learns that her only hope for escaping death is to sleep with someone else, and pass the curse on. But the pursuing phantoms are invisible to Jay's friends and it soon becomes apparent that her time is running out. Now, with death closing in, the terrified young woman will be forced to make a difficult decision if she hopes to survive her terrifying ordeal. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: David Robert Mitchell    

Cast: Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto

Release Date: Mar 13, 2015    

Rated: R for graphic Nudity, Disturbing Violent Content, Disturbing Sexual Content and Language    

Runtime: 1 hr. 40 min.    

Genres: Drama, Horror, Suspense/Thriller    


The horror genre is a virtual wasteland of garbage littered with cheaply made lazy films.  If you’re a fan of the genre you really have to run through a lot of garbage to find a few gems here and there.  It Follows is one of those gem that hits all the right notes while turning some of the genre’s tropes on it’s head.  David Robert Mitchell’s film a tightly wound ball of tension with only an occasional splat of blood here and there.  Its DNA is laced with Carpenter’s Halloween, Craven’s original Nightmare on Elm Street and even a bit of Kubrick’s The Shining.  While there’s a clear linage on screen, the film works very well on its own merits building up a pervading sense of dread for the majority of the film.  It’s a dense film that’s got plenty of to say about budding sexuality, adolescence and self identity with an impressive level of authenticity, thanks in large part to a wonderful cast, that makes the film even better.



When millionaire hedge fund manager James (Will Ferrell) is nailed for fraud and bound for a stretch in San Quentin, the judge gives him 30 days to get his affairs in order. Desperate, he turns to Darnell (Kevin Hart) to prep him for a life behind bars. But despite James’ one-percenter assumptions, Darnell is a hard-working small business owner who has never received a parking ticket, let alone been to prison. Together, the two men do whatever it takes for James to “get hard” and, in the process, discover how wrong they were about a lot of things – including each other. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi

Director: Etan Cohen    

Cast: Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Tip "T.I." Harris, Alison Brie, Craig T. Nelson.

Release Date: Mar 27, 2015    

Rated R for Pervasive Crude and Sexual Content and Language, Some Graphic Nudity, and Drug 

Runtime: 1 hr. 39 min.    

Genres: Comedy    


Get Hard is exactly what it presents itself as, nothing more and nothing less.  It’s dated jokes about race, sexuality and just about anything feels like a retread.  Anyone’s enjoyment or lack there of will depend on how much you like Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart.  Ferrell and Hart have excellent chemistry together throughout and make even the laziest jokes work.  It’s all juvenile and sophomoric but if you were expecting anything deeper or more important then you walked into the wrong movie.  It’s a breezy film with enough laughs to keep it from getting stale.  It’s the definition of predictable and far from Ferrell’s best work, but still funny enough to make fans happy. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015


Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons' comic series is adapted for the big screen in this Matthew Vaughn-directed action thriller. The story centers on a secret agent who recruits a juvenile delinquent into a top-secret spy organization. Together, they battle a tech genius with diabolical ambitions. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi

Director: Matthew Vaughn     

Cast: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong, Mark Hamill.

Release Date: Feb 13, 2015     

Rated R for Sequences of Strong Violence, Language and Some Sexual Content.    

Runtime: 2 hr. 9 min.    

Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy    


Kingsman: The Secret Service is the type of spy spoof that people always told me Austin Powers was supposed to be.  For whatever reason the Powers movies just never worked for me as a spoof but that’s neither here nor there.  Kingsman is a fun filled ride through all the spy tropes we’re familiar with done in the most gleefully and violent manner possible. Fans of Matthew Vaughn’s Kick Ass will find plenty to like here since its cut from the same cloth while laying down some groundwork for a possible franchise.  There are hints of its comic origins here and there as the film uses colorful ways to kill people ending with a “firework” display that plays out like David Cronenberg’s acid trip.  The action is top notch throughout and Colin Firth is shockingly at ease as an action star, showcased in an insane church sequence.  Taron Egerton delivers a star making performance as Eggsy while Sam Jackson and his lisp makes for a fun villain whose aided by a memorable hence woman.  There are a few issues here and there, the film could have been cut a tad and the much talked about joke at the end falls terribly flat even though I was expecting it.  They’re hardly fatal flaws but hopefully something that will get cleared up by the time the sequel hits.


Cindy Prascik's Reviews of The Gunman and Insurgent

Dearest Blog, yesterday it was off to the pictures for The Gunman and Insurgent, a pair of action-packed movies sure to get the blood moving. Or not.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.

First up: Sean Penn in The Gunman.

A former assassin's misdeeds come back to haunt him.

Dear reader(s), if we're being honest, my first reaction when The Gunman's credits started rolling was, "What the hell did I just watch??" Not that it was a bad movie, or even a terribly strange movie, it just wasn't what I expected from the trailer. I went back and re-watched the trailer and, in hindsight, I'm not sure why I didn't get it. Luckily, it's a pretty good movie anyway.

Pluses: Sean Penn is on point in the lead. For me, he's one of those guys (like Tom Cruise) who, when I hear his name I think, "I don't really care for that actor." Then I watch him in something and say to myself, "Self, what were you thinking? That guy is awesome!" Though he's crippled on occasion by awkward dialogue, Penn is solid here, which is a good thing, because it's mostly on him to carry this one. Idris Elba and Ray Winstone are very good with limited screen time, and the movie is noticeably better when they're around. The story is interesting, with plenty of action, and there's an angry sex scene that, while not especially long or graphic, is pretty hot. Finally, at just under two hours, the movie is smart enough not to wear out its welcome.

Minuses: Javier Bardem is a total clown...thinking his mugging may even upstage Captain Jack Sparrow in that new Pirates movie. As for the female lead, Jasmine Trinca, both the actress and the role are entirely forgettable; you could have plopped pretty much any woman of an appropriate age in that slot and she'd have been no better, no worse, and no more important to the movie. A bunch of obvious soap-opera glances in the opening scenes reveal the baddie long before you should have any idea; in fact, the whole thing, while entertaining, is extremely predictable. Finally, Idris Elba appears twice in a two-minute trailer and exactly the same number of times in a two-hour movie. I LOVE Elba, and was really hoping to see more of him.

Distractions: Penn's newfound buff-ness and Trinca's funky front teeth.

The Gunman runs 115 minutes and is rated R for "strong violence, language, and some sexuality."
As is kinda the norm for this time of year, it's a passably entertaining, but ultimately forgettable, afternoon at the cinema.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, The Gunman gets five and a half.

Up next was the second installment in the Divergent series, Insurgent.

Tris and Four continue fighting the good fight against Jeanine and the faction system.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, literally every single review I saw of Divergent, the first film in this series, contained some version of the sentiment, "Well, that was way better than I expected!" It is, perhaps, for that reason that Insurgent is something of a disappointment.

Though it runs about 20 minutes shorter than its predecessor, Insurgent seems slow and long. I was pretty bored with it for major chunks of time. The action is decent, but repetitive, and much of the dialogue just seems silly.

Shailene Woodley remains (for me) nothing more than a poor man's Jennifer with new dopey haircut!! I still have a crush on Theo James (curse you, lady Mary, for your deadly bed!!), and I shallowly found the movie far more interesting whenever he was onscreen. Aside from Kate Winslet, who is always reliable, this series has one of the more boring supporting casts I've ever seen, with a bunch of interchangeable actors who could be swapped out with barely a ripple.

Even having said all that, my chief annoyances were a weirdly made-up and bejeweled Naomi Watts (is that really how you picture the leader of your revolution??) and the awkward giggles drawn from my teenage audience by the non-starter love scene and a single almost f-word. (Hardly the movie's fault, but it still set my teeth on edge.)

Insurgent clocks in at 119 minutes and is rated PG13 for "intense violence and action throughout, some sensuality, thematic elements, and brief language."

Sadly, the middle frame of the Divergent series is exactly what I expect of most Y.A. adaptations. Here's hoping next year's finale is more like part one.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, Insurgent gets five.

Until next time...


Note to filmmakers: More Idris Elba is always better than less Idris Elba.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cindy Prascik's Review of Run all Night

Dearest Blog, yesterday it was off to the pictures for the latest in a seemingly-endless series of "Liam Neeson Kicks Butt" movies, Run all Night.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.

Well, dear reader(s), I have to be honest with you: with two major new releases on the weekend's docket, this was meant to be a double review. Yes, I love you all enough that I was going to force myself to see that damn princess movie.

However, when I got to the theatre and found it crawling with little girls--all of whom were queuing up to have their ideas of life and romance irreparably warped by some fool in a glass shoe--I had to dodge and go with a fourth screening of Kingsman: The Secret Service instead. It was the only responsible thing to do.

Liam Neeson...yadda yadda in danger...yadda yadda yadda...guns, explosions, carnage...yadda yadda hero!...yadda yadda yadda...the end.

Look, this is one of those movies where I have little sympathy for anyone who sees it and doesn't like it. It couldn't possibly be more exactly what you'd expect, so shame on you if you buy a ticket and then complain about it. Neeson is once again in fine butt-kicking form, perhaps a little rougher around the edges than in some of his other, similar films, but no less convincing as the guy you want to be hanging around with when there's trouble...ANY sort of trouble.

Joel Kinnaman does a terrific job as the neglected son, dragged into the very chaos he's worked his whole life to avoid, and Ed Harris is, of course, great as that guy you'd really be rooting for if only the movie weren't expressly designed to make you root for that other guy. Harris undoubtedly could pull off something like this in his sleep, but it sure is fun watching him.

The movie itself is a bit more grim than some others of its ilk. Not suggesting for a minute that the Taken movies and Non-Stop and A Walk Among the Tombstones are a barrel of laughs, but this one has virtually no lighter moments, and the few it attempts are so crass and abrasive that they don't do much to lift the tone.

The movie is set at Christmastime, and the omnipresent Christmas decorations are a stark contrast to the film's miserable atmosphere. The timing did leave me curious about a thunderstorm towards the beginning of the movie and the coloring trees at the end, though. In New York, in December?

Like the famous ghosts, I think Liam did this all in one night. We really shouldn't have experienced changing seasons, but I guess it's hardly the sort of movie where I'd expect perfect attention to detail. On a personal note, I was delighted to see Bruce McGill (a favorite in our house), Common, and the many, many New York Rangers references scattered about the movie.

Run All Night clocks in at 114 minutes and is rated R for "strong violence, language including sexual references, and some drug use."

It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but if you like watching Liam Neeson kick ass (and who doesn't?) you should be decently entertained. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Run All Night gets five.

And sorry about the princess.

Until next time...

(not my graphic)

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Ken Scott's comedy Unfinished Business stars Vince Vaughn as a struggling businessman trying to get his fledgling company off the ground. To do so he must travel with his partners (Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson) on a foreign business trip in order to land a huge client. Unexpectedly, our hero discovers that he is competing against his former boss, and his attempts to show the prospective clients the best night of their lies leads to a number of unexpected complications. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi

Director: Ken Scott     

Cast: Vince Vaughn, Tom Wilkinson, Dave Franco, James Marsden, Nick Frost

Release Date: Mar 06, 2014     

Rated R for some strong risqué sexual content/graphic nudity, language and drug use    

Runtime: 1 hr. 31 min.     

Genres: Workplace Comedy, Comedy     


Unfinished Business is a lazy uninspired comedy that’s a mish mash of various things while never really coming together at all.  The film seems like its fertile ground for the comedy but it just never pulls itself together.  As a result you’re left with various dead spots which make the relatively short film seem incredibly long.  Throw in an oddly shoehorned anti-bullying subplot and you have a strangely unfunny film even though Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson are trying their hardest to pull something out of the film.  Vince Vaughn does his usual shtick looking more haggard than usual, probably how you’ll feel by the end of the film.

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