When millionaire hedge fund manager James (Will Ferrell) is nailed for fraud and bound for a stretch in San Quentin, the judge gives him 30 days to get his affairs in order. Desperate, he turns to Darnell (Kevin Hart) to prep him for a life behind bars. But despite James’ one-percenter assumptions, Darnell is a hard-working small business owner who has never received a parking ticket, let alone been to prison. Together, the two men do whatever it takes for James to “get hard” and, in the process, discover how wrong they were about a lot of things – including each other. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi
Director: Etan Cohen
Cast: Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Tip "T.I."
Harris, Alison Brie, Craig T. Nelson.
Release Date: Mar
27, 2015
Rated R for Pervasive Crude and Sexual Content and
Language, Some Graphic Nudity, and Drug
Runtime: 1 hr. 39 min.
Genres: Comedy
Get Hard is exactly what it presents itself as, nothing more
and nothing less. It’s dated jokes about
race, sexuality and just about anything feels like a retread. Anyone’s enjoyment or lack there of will
depend on how much you like Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart. Ferrell and Hart have excellent chemistry
together throughout and make even the laziest jokes work. It’s all juvenile and sophomoric but if you
were expecting anything deeper or more important then you walked into the wrong
movie. It’s a breezy film with enough
laughs to keep it from getting stale.
It’s the definition of predictable and far from Ferrell’s best work, but
still funny enough to make fans happy.