Unhinged is a 2020 American thriller film directed by Derrick Borte, from a screenplay by Carl Ellsworth. The film stars Russell Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Bateman, Jimmi Simpson and Austin P. McKenzie. The film follows a young woman who is harassed by a seemingly unstable stranger following a road rage incident.
Director: Derrick Borte
Cast: Russell Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Bateman, Jimmi Simpson, Austin P. McKenzie
Release Date:
Genre: Action, Thriller
Rated R for strong violent content, and language throughout.
Runtime: 1 h 30min
Unhinged is best explained as a good bad movie. Derrick Borte’s mallet punch to the face of film is thoroughly entertaining for the duration of its runtime. It’s a brutal trip into madness that makes this film feel more like a horror film than a straightforward thriller. At its center is Russell Crowe who bulked up considerably around the waist to play an embodiment of white male rage. His performance is far better than the film deserves, so much so that you’d wish that the script had taken a more nuanced approach to his character. Instead it’s a grotesque caricature that Crowe makes intriguing as we watch his sweaty terror bear rampage throughout the film. Caren Pistoruis is saddled with a character that isn’t terribly fleshed out or intelligent. Pistoruis main goal is to react to the terror unfolding upon her. There are plenty of ham fisted attempts a social allegory but are about as blunt as they come. It’s a shame that the story and characters are so simplistic because you get the feeling that there is plenty of themes that cold have been explored to make a truly thought provoking film.