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Monday, February 3, 2025


A baby in a basket is left on the steps of an isolated monastery on a Scottish island. The nuns take it in, planning to care for it until a storm passes. Soon though, strange and unexplained events begin to happen at the convent.

Director: Andy Crane, Nathan Shepka

Cast: Amber Doig-Thorne, Michaela Longden, Elle O’Hara, Lisa Riesner, Nathan Shepka, Annabelle Lanyon, Maryam d’Abo and Paul Barber

Release Date: February 17, 2025

Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery


Runtime: 1h 40m


The Baby in the Basket does its best to emulate 70's style religious horror films by focusing more on the psychological aspect of terror instead of outright gore but it's ultimately held back due to its lackluster execution.  It’s easy to appreciate what directors Andy Crane and Nathan Shepka, the latter of which also stars, are trying to achieve with their film that takes bits and pieces of classic horror films like1976's The Omen and 1973's Don't Look Now.  The script gives them plenty to work with as the majority of the film's story focuses on the character’s mental state as they slowly fall victim to supernatural forces.  The script smartly moves from one character to another as the central point of view to give the entire film an off kilter, unbalanced feel since we are not quite sure who the main character is since the focus shifts at various points during the film.  It gives each member of the cast a chance to shine with Elle O'Hara and Lisa Riesner carrying the load early on before Amber Doig-Thorne and Michaela Longden take over the spotlight.  Together they make for a solid ensemble especially early on when they share the screen together, something the film should have taken advantage to give each nun a more time to develop well defined characterizations.  Elle O'Hara does a lot of heavy lifting in the first half of the film as earnestly devoted Valerie who is trying desperately to understand what is going on after the titular baby arrives.  Amber Doig-Thorne moves into center stage midway through the film with a fun, energetic and ultimately crazed turn as Agnes.  Doig-Thorne's gives the film a boost once she's unleashed only to be matched by the scene stealing Michaela Longden as Eleanor.  Longden stands out every time she's onscreen with her naturalistic verve that leaves you wondering why she's kept offscreen for the entire middle portion of the film.  Her chaotic, adversarial energy would have given the film a definite boost across the board.  It’s compounded by some clunky pacing issues that never allow anything to naturally settle before moving on.  Shooting on location at Scotland's St Conan’s Kirk also should have been a boost but the film rarely takes full advantage of its gothic backdrop.  There's are plenty of moments during The Baby in the Basket that feel as if they are heading toward a crescendo only to fumble the moments with some coming off as more silly than scary despite the best efforts of the script and cast. 


Friday, January 31, 2025



A weekend getaway turns bloody and violent when a subservient android that's built for human companionship goes haywire.

Director: Drew Hancock

Cast: Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid, Lukas Gage, Megan Suri, Harvey Guillén, Rupert Friend

Release Date: January 31, 2025

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller

Rated R for strong violence, sexual content, and language throughout.

Runtime: 1h 37m


Companion is a fun, dark dramady that puts a techno twist on the lifecycle of an abusive relationship led by a stellar turn from Sophie Thatcher.  Sleekly shot and well-paced, the film quickly lays out the set up and players before moving into the meat of the action.  Drew Hancock's debut feature shows off an ability to turn on a dime from tense to darkly funny.  It gives the entire film a breezy feel even as the body count continue to increase.  Through it all he never loses focus on Sophie Thatcher's Iris and her "awaking" as the human collection of dullards attempt to complete their master plan.  There aren't many surprises to be had since the story plays out like you'd expect but that doesn't detract much since the cast is strong across the board.  Sophie Thatcher leads the entire thing by naturally cycling through a wide range of emotions as the film goes on.  She's got the kind of screen presence that makes it easy to root for her character as she tries to break free on multiple levels.  Jack Quaid is a fun counterpart since he's able to project his goofy energy along with incel infused anger as he slowly loses control.  Thatcher and Quaid have solid chemistry together that gives their scenes together a sort of rom-com vibe before things turn more twisted.  Harvey Guillén brings his fun and likable persona to his supporting role with his onscreen partner Lukas Gage making for a fun counter point to Quaid and Thatcher's relationship.  Rupert Friend is clearly having a blast, hamming it up as Megan Suri's well-off Russian boyfriend which is a shame since he's got the least screentime of the ensemble.  It all adds up to making Companion the perfect anti Rom-Com for those that like their love stories with a bit more blood and viscera.  


Monday, January 27, 2025



A family moves into a suburban house and becomes convinced they're not alone.

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Cast: Lucy Liu, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Eddy Maday, West Mulholland, Julia Fox

Release Date: January 19, 2025

Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

Rated R for violence, drug material, language, sexuality and teen drinking.

Runtime: 1h 25m


Steven Soderbergh's reverse perspective ghost story, Presence, is a solid bit of voyeuristic experimentation that's more engaging as a drama than a horror film.  The gliding, first person point of view can be a bit disorienting initially especially for people who have not played many first persons video games.  It gives the film an interesting look and feel as the camera serves as the character of the Presence with Soderbergh proving more than capable of communicating a boatload of information via movements and more standard ghost tropes over the course of the film's brisk runtime.  The film plays out in a series of short and extended sequences that play out like uninterrupted shots which are technically impressive.  Once the film settles in the central story it is far more focused on a portrait of a family fraying at the edges for a variety of reasons.  Lucy Liu toplines the cast as a domineering matriarch who's possibly involved in some sort of criminal endeavor and overly focused and forgiving of her eldest son.  Chris Sullivan is solid as the long-suffering father who's trying his best to keep his family together even though he's clearly at his breaking point.  Eddy Maday is appropriately douchey and entitled as the family's golden child.  Callina Liang plays the daughter who's broken from the recent loss of a friend which may be the Presence since it seems to be singularly focused on her.  The four of them have a natural family dynamic even if the characters are written a bit generically.  The script only gives us bits and pieces on their backstories but it’s enough to give us insight into the dysfunctional nature of their family unit.  West Mulholland's Ryan is far less subtle with the character written as far too creepy and strange as Tyler's friend who shows an immediate interest in Liang's Chloe.  It’s obvious that there's something off about his character early on that makes Chloe's interest in him seem far-fetched at best.   It makes the final act come off as far more predictable than it should have, especially since its script drops breadcrumbs every step of the way.  It ultimately keeps Presence from really knocking the concept out of the park even though it leaves you with a particularly goosebump inducing shot.  


Cindy Prascik's Holiday Triple Play


My dear reader(s), thanks to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday last Monday, I was able to tick off some entries from the "My Stuff" section of the various streaming services. No explicit reveals here, but if you like going into a movie cold, best to read after watching. Forewarned is forearmed.

Third place in holiday movie-thon goes to A Different Man (2024), in which Sebastian Stan stars as an aspiring actor who undergoes an experimental procedure to alter his appearance, then discovers that looking like Sebastian Stan isn't all it's cracked up to be. (An extremely unlikely premise!) Regular reader(s) will know I have worshipped at the altar of Sebastian Stan for more than 15 years, and will be unsurprised that I found him exceptional in A Different Man. I was less thrilled with the rest of the film. It’s uncomfortable, which I'm pretty sure it means to be, but it's also a bit patronizing. The supporting cast is decent, and the story takes enough turns to remain interesting, but the ending isn't much of an ending. Since the movie isn’t likely setting up a sequel, mostly it feels like the filmmakers got bored and stopped...which is what I wanted to do at least 30 minutes sooner.

A Different Man clocks in at 112 minutes and is rated R for "sexual content, graphic nudity, language, and some violent content."

A Different Man is a messy message film that sadly misses its mark. Of a possible nine Weasleys, A Different Man gets five.

A Different Man is now streaming on Max.

The runner up on my holiday movie podium is to Conclave (2024), starring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, and John Lithgow as Catholic cardinals at the center of the process of electing a new Pope.

Like most movies about electing a Pope, Conclave plays like a political thriller. I always imagine the politics of religion must be very disheartening to believers, and this doesn't tiptoe around anyone's faith; all the ugliness is on full display. Conclave is beautifully acted, visually stunning, and methodical in its storytelling, but it culminates in a twist that is equal parts shocking and so unlikely in the circumstances as to seem absurd. For a film that strives for so much gravitas, it feels like someone accidentally tacked on the ending of a different movie.

Conclave runs 120 minutes and is rated PG for "thematic material and smoking."

Conclave is a decent thriller with a doozie of a finish. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Conclave gets six.

Conclave is now streaming on Peacock.

Finally, the gold medalist in my MLK Day movie marathon is a little documentary called What the Hell Happened to Blood Sweat & Tears? (2023), the unlikely story of how a rock group at the height of its popularity was conscripted into a "cultural exchange" program that saw them become the first American band to perform behind the Iron Curtain.

Here, dear reader(s), I must admit that I knew nothing of this absolutely mad tale until this documentary popped up in my feed over the weekend. Against the soundtrack of some of the era’s best tunes plays tale of intrigue and political machinations. New interviews with band members and assorted adjacent individuals are cut with historical photos and footage, but most of the material filmed by the crew that accompanied expressly to document this historic event was hidden from the world and seemingly destroyed. The film is a sobering reminder of the Cold War, but the tone remains upbeat, mostly thanks to the members of Blood Sweat & Tears. The band would have every right to be bitter about the tour and its effect on their careers, but they recount even the worst moments with surprising good nature.

What the Hell Happened to Blood Sweat & Tears clocks in at 112 minutes and is unrated, but since it’s about a rock band you may assume the occasional coarse language and drug use.

What the Hell Happened to Blood Sweat & Tears is a fascinating but cautionary snapshot of the most unlikely of bedfellows. Of a possible nine Weasleys, What the Hell Happened to Blood Sweat & Tears gets nine.

What the Hell Happened to Blood Sweat & Tears is now streaming on Prime Video.

Until next time…

Friday, January 24, 2025



A U.S. marshal boards a small plane to transfer a government witness to New York. As they cross the Alaskan wilderness, tensions start to rise as not everyone on the flight is who they appear to be.

Director: Mel Gibson

Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, Topher Grace

Release Date: January 24, 2025

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Rated R for violence and language.

Runtime: 1h 31m


Flight Risk is an unintentionally funny thriller that could have been decent if it weren't for the hackneyed script and direction.  Mel Gibson, whatever you think of him, has directed some solid films in his time which makes this mess of movie more confusing.  Everything about the production and direction feels undercooked and uninspired from start to finish.  It might be passable if he was able to create some sort of tension in the confined and claustrophobic set up, but he never does.  The script gives us a trio of incredibly generic one-dimensional characters who are never all that intriguing or interesting.  Mark Wahlberg made his mark in movies with his inspired turn as a nutjob boyfriend in 1996's Fear, so we know he's capable of playing an intense villain.  This role seems tailor made to give him an opportunity to bring that sort of energy, but the character is so poorly written and over the top that it’s too hard to ever take him seriously.  Giving his character a serious case of male pattern baldness makes him come off even goofier and leaves you wondering why they bothered with it in the first place.  Topher Grace adds to the silliness which an over the top performance that has him set to max level of annoying for the better part of the film's runtime.  Michelle Dockery tries her best to make her underwritten character interesting and engaging but there's only so much she can do when her character continually makes the dumbest decisions possible.  It doesn't help that the film's final act starts to feel like an accidental remake of Airplane! sans the inflatable auto pilot and sweating.  Once Flight Risk comes to a rather abrupt end, you’re left more confused than anything else since it’s such a collective mess.  


Wednesday, January 22, 2025



Escaping postwar Europe, a visionary architect comes to America to rebuild his life, his career, and his marriage. On his own in a strange new country, he settles in Pennsylvania, where a wealthy and prominent industrialist recognizes his talent.

Director: Brady Corbet

Cast: Adrien Brody, Guy Pearce, Felicity Jones, Joe Alwyn, Raffey Cassidy, Stacy Martin, Emma Laird, Isaach de Bankolé, Alessandro Nivola

Release Date: December 20, 2024

Genre: Drama, History 

Rated R for strong sexual content, graphic nudity, rape, drug use and some language.

Runtime: 3h 35m


Brady Corbet's mammoth immigrant epic, The Brutalist, is straightforward but so densely packed with so many themes and undercurrents that its unwieldly at various points but the whole thing is buoyed by a pair of powerful turns from Adrien Brody and Guy Pearce.  Corbet's steady sense of structure paired with cinematographer Lol Crawley stunning visuals make for an elegant film from start to finish.  Each moment and shot are constructed with a meticulous level of detail that echoes films of a bygone era exemplified by the decision to film using VistaVision.  It all gives the film a specific look and feel that pops off the screen throughout its extended runtime.  The inclusion of an overture, intermission and epilogue all add to the overall effect Corbet is trying to achieve.  Amidst all the technical bells and whistles the story, at its heart, is grounded in harsh realism missing any semblance of rose colored nostalgia.  Adrien Brody's László Tóth is a complex character filled with intelligence, ambition, trauma and human imperfections.  The role makes for a fascinating character study as well as following his journey from the moment he hits the shores of America as he tries to find his footing before meeting industrialist Harrison Lee Van Buren played by Guy Pearce.  Brody turn is fully formed with his evolution over the course of the film coming off as authentic.  He carries a sense of intellectualism even during his lowest points which serves as Van Buren's main fascination.  Pearce creates a blue blood industrialist who serves as the de facto face of American capitalism presented in its most brutish form.  His hardnose, cold pragmatist serves as a perfect foil to Brody's more measured and cerebral employee.  Their interchanges serve as fascinating explorations of their power structure, with a sprinkling of Ayn Rand for good measure.  The script stumbles in its back half as the subtleness gives way to more overt allegories that feel unnecessary.   Its an odd choice for a film that moves so methodically for a large portion of its runtime before feeling the need to make its larger point more explicit to the point where the final line of dialogue serves as coda for the film's story and experience watching it unfold.  

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