86 year-old Irving Zisman is on a journey across America with the most unlikely companion, his 8 year-old Grandson Billy in "Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa.” The signature Jackass character Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville) and Billy (Jackson Nicoll) will take movie audiences along for the most insane hidden camera road trip ever captured on camera. Real people in unreal situations, making for one really messed up comedy.
Director: Jeff Tremaine
Cast: Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll
Release Date: Oct 25, 2013
Rated R for strong crude and sexual content throughout, language, some graphic nudity and brief drug use
Runtime: 1 hr. 32 min.
Genres: Comedy
About 5 minutes into the movie “Irving Zisman” has his testicles stuck in a vending machine as confused and shocked bystanders walk by. If this type of candid camera humor doesn’t fit your palette then you’d probably want to stay as far as way from Bad Granpa as possible. It’s not quite as inspired as Borat but Knoxville and his crew create some great set ups, the high point occurring in a male strip club, framed by the slightest of a plot. Knoxville, who’s always willing to put himself out there, is a lot of fun as the Zisman. Thankfully this installment removes a lot of the gross out, self injury humor which was a big part of the previous Jackass series and films. As a result, this is probably the most accessible film of the franchise. Part of the credit for its accessibility has to go to Jackson Nicoll who is just an adorable child actor. Still this is a Jackass film so there are plenty of explicit scenes greeted with lots of confused, angry and shocked reactions.