Dearest reader(s), yesterday marked the day I knew would arrive: I had the choice of seeing a brand new release at the cinema, or paying more to watch it at home. I thought it would be a hard call, but ultimately it was pretty easy to choose staying home. I'll be interested to see if it remains so once the health threat is removed. If you were presented with the same choice, I'd be curious to hear what you decided and why.
At any rate, on the docket this weekend was the long-awaited three-quel Bill & Ted Face the Music.
Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.
Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan still struggle to fulfill the prophecy that said their music one day would save the world.
Face the Music finds our middle-aged heroes with wives, children, and suspiciously nice homes for guys who don't appear to do anything besides jam in their garages. Alas, they are yet to fulfill or move on from the long-ago prophecy that a song they've written will somehow unite and save the world. When a messenger from the future informs them that they have less than a day before time and space are destroyed, the most excellent friends embark on more time travels in the hope that their future selves have the song.
At a certain age, most things come with a whiff of nostalgia. Face the Music works not necessarily because it's the epitome of stellar filmmaking, but because it gives us characters we love in a story we need right now. The movie is sweet enough that its predictably dopey plot is easy to forgive, and — while there are some faces fans will be happy to see among supporting players — it is markedly less entertaining when Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) are absent from the screen. The big finish offers few surprises, but the movie's optimism is such a delightful light in this dark year that it hardly matters.
Bill & Ted Face the Music clocks in at a quick 88 minutes and is rated PG13 for some language.
Bill & Ted Face the Music isn't a movie that'll change the world, but I can't help thinking we'd be better off if it could. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Bill & Ted Face the Music gets seven and a half.
Until next time, friends, be excellent to each other.