This weekend my cinema choice, among a glut of new offerings, was Blinded By the Light.
Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.
Inspired by the music of Bruce Springsteen, a young Pakistani-British man tries to follow his dream of being a writer, against his traditional father's wishes.
Blinded By the Light marks the third (that I'm aware of?) music-inspired, hope-inspiring movie of 2019, and its beautiful message of perseverance, respect, and acceptance feels like just what the world needs right now.
Blinded By the Light tackles tough subjects like racism and the austerity of mid-80s Britain with humor and charm. Newcomer Viveik Kalra is an engaging lead, always sympathetic even in his worst moments; however, it's Aaron Phagura who really lights up the screen as the friend who introduces our hero to *his* hero, Mr. Springsteen. The two together are a joy to watch! Springsteen tunes and some other choice nuggets provide a nostalgic soundtrack that, along with spot-on costumes and hair, really captures both the ups and downs of the 80s. In these challenging times, it's beautiful to see how universal art really is.
Blinded By the Light runs 117 minutes and is rated PG13 for "thematic material and language, including some ethnic slurs."
Blinded By the Light is an endearing film that highlights the power of music. In our troubled times, it is just what the doctor (or the Boss?) ordered.
Of a possible nine Weasleys, Blinded By the Light gets nine.
Fangirl points: I see you, Duran Duran poster! Until next time...