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Showing posts with label Alan Maxson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alan Maxson. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



A group of friends get together for the annual Halloween party, but are interrupted by mysterious visitors.

Director: Matthew Festle, Alexys Paonessa

Cast: Naiia Lajoie, Jackson Turner, Darren Deng, Glenn Plummer, Jeremiah Benjamin, Alan Maxson, Matthew Festle

Release Date: May 31, 2024

Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi


Runtime: 1h 24m


Writers/Directors Matthew Festle and Alexys Paonessa, low budget indie horror comedy Isleen Pines has a fun, over the top energy that echoes Peter Jackson's debut film Bad Taste even if it doesn't reach those heights.  Festle and Paonessa show noticeable talent and confidence behind the camera delivering some fun, colorful shots throughout that works well for the film's tone.  Some well placed songs peppered throughout keep the film moving at a decent pace even during some of the story's weaker portions.  The trilateral story structure is a solid idea, however there's a noticeable drop off when the film moves to the Halloween party.  We are introduced to a series of characters there but don't spend enough time with any of them to make a tangible connection to them which makes it feel more superfluous than the other two segments.  The story is at its best when it focuses on the central trio played by Naiia Lajoie, Jackson Turner and Darren Deng with Lajoie and Turner sharing some solid comedic chemistry together.  The story has Glenn Plummer mostly performing on his own and he delivers a fun performance that has him reacting to the increasingly crazy situation his character finds himself in.  All of this would have been more effective if there'd been a better expansion of the town's mythology which would have helped flesh out the general weirdness at play that would attract something like the alien monster.  As is, there's an uneven flow to Isleen Pines that keeps it from truly hitting its stride and taking full advantage of its gonzo spirit.  

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