My dear reader(s), I hope you are keeping well — physically and mentally — in these strange, strange times.
Following a prolonged and entirely unintentional hiatus, yesterday I attempted an at-home double-bill, just I like I used to do at the cinema except the popcorn's not as good and nobody's kicking the back of my seat.
On yesterday's agenda, the Netflix original Extraction and the True History of the Kelly Gang.
Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.
First up: Extraction.
When a drug lord's son is kidnapped by a rival kingpin, a troubled mercenary is his only hope of survival.
Extraction is a serviceable thriller that's heavy on fighting, chasing, and bleeding, and light on surprises. The movie trades on the fact that most of us probably *would* trust Chris Hemsworth with our lives, making it less insufferable than it could have been, despite its not quite earning its runtime. If Hemsworth is a guy that brings you to the movies, you won't be disappointed; this is definitely his movie. Inhabiting broadly-drawn characters, supporting players are neither good nor bad enough to make a lasting impression. (But if there's an award for obviousness, please hand it to David Harbour now.) By-the-numbers fight scenes are likewise fine but unremarkable, peppering a seemingly endless race to the finish. There's been a bit of buzz about the single(ish)-shot chase scene, but all its technical prowess couldn't keep me from longing for its eventual end, while predictable twists and redundant action diminish the plot's high stakes. Outside an eyeful of Hemsworth, Extraction's high points for me were unintentional (probably?) nods to Gladiator and Crocodile Dundee II, but, you know, desperate times and all.
Extraction clocks in at 116 minutes and is rated R for "strong bloody violence throughout, language, and brief drug use."
Like Triple Frontier before it, Extraction proves that Netflix can play the action game with the big boys. Like Triple Frontier before it, Extraction also makes one wonder if that's a game worth playing anymore.
Of a possible nine Weasleys, Extraction gets five and a half.
Next on the docket, the True History of the Kelly Gang.
The maybe-sorta-kinda-trueish story of Australian outlaw Ned Kelly.
It's imperative that I preface what follows with a disclaimer: No matter what I want or expect of a movie, and no matter how far from that it may land, I always try to keep an open mind and give it a fair shake. That being said...
Y'all know I watched this movie for Charlie Hunnam, right? If you're thinking of paying for this film expressly to see Charlie, here's the scoop: Charlie's not in it a lot, but there's a lot of Charlie in it. His character is relevant only to the first 30-or-so minutes, and after that it's a whopping 90 minutes of Charlie-less movie. Forewarned is forearmed.
1917's George MacKay headlines this biopic, following the infamous Ned Kelly from his horrifying childhood through his brief, criminal, adult life. MacKay was nothing short of brilliant in 1917, and he's equally so here, though the material is less impressive. Russell Crowe is great, as usual, in a small but pivotal role. The True History of the Kelly Gang plods along at a snail's pace, making it seem very long indeed. Punk musical stylings and trippy, strobe-lit frames underscore Kelly's unhinged descent into violent, unlawful behavior. The movie sometimes seems to shock just for shock's sake, with vile language, grotesque violence, and uncomfortable situations. I don't flinch from any of the above when necessary and deftly handled, but here they're only sometimes the former and never the latter. Ultimately, the movie serves as a nice showcase for MacKay's talent, but has little else to recommend it.
The True History of the Kelly Gang runs 124 minutes and is rated R for "strong violence throughout, bloody images, pervasive language, sexual content, and some nudity."
The True History of the Kelly Gang features strong performances, but it struggles with the complexity of an anti-hero that history both loves and hates. Of a possible nine Weasleys, the True History of the Kelly Gang gets five.
Until next time, dear reader(s), please keep yourselves safe and well, and I'll hope to see you at the cinema soon!