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Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Trailer] John Carter of Mars

I have to admit I know very little about the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ series this is based on, so this trailer for the new film is a tad confusing.

That being said it does kind of peak my interest with it’s epic scope, and fine production values, so it'll probably be something right up my ally.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

[Trailer] The Dark Knight Rises - OFFICIAL

Poor quality bootleg verison of the teaser trailer for those of you who can't wait like myself.

I'll put up the offical version of the trailer as soon as I have it.



Trailer for the second Sherlock Holmes film directed by Guy Ritchie, trailer gives off that good fun feel of the first.

Hopefully the plot will be better than the first but the chemistry between Downey and Law is still worth the price of admission.

Noomi Rapace and Jared Harris coming on board should make for an interest cast and an all around fun film.

Sunday, July 10, 2011




Colin Farrell, Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, and Charlie Day star in this workplace comedy about three frustrated employees who hatch a plan to kill their micromanaging bosses, only to find their murderous plot snowballing into disaster. Seth Gordon (The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters) directs a screenplay written by Michael Markowitz, Jonathan Goldstein, and John Francis Daley. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Seth Gordon

Cast: Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey

Release Date: Jul 08, 2011

Rated: Crude and sexual content, pervasive language and some drug material

Runtime: 1 hr. 40 min.

Genres: Comedy


Horrible Bosses isn’t perfect but ultimately it’s a fairly good time, a testament to the strong cast assembled. Seth Gordon sloppily directs this film. His biggest fault is never finding a steady rhythm to the proceedings, after a strong start he just seems disinterested as he’s more than happy to leave all the heavy lifting to the cast. Luckily the cast is game. Bateman, Sudeikis and Day have wonderful chemistry together. They breathe life into a mediocre script. All three bring a certain kind of energy to the film and it works very well. The trio’s energy keeps the film alive throughout with Charlie Day being the real standout of the group. His manic energy is really something to behold, no shock to fans of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Colin Farrell has more of a cameo than an actual role. Kevin Spacey the primary antagonist here and he’s clearly having a ball. Jennifer Aniston delivers dirty lines with the conviction of a 3rd grader but she’s limited to a small role. Most of the jokes are fairly pedestrian which is kind of surprising considering the subject matter but it does find a solid footing in the second half but I don’t think it’s the kind of comedy that’ll hold up after repeat viewings as it never reaches the heights of 80’s film 9 to 5.


Bluray quality; Video soft but sharp ; Sound is decent but unimpressive.

I was hand-selected to be a member of Blu-ray Elite, a beta program from Warner Home Video which has graciously sent me this free Blu-ray disc.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Synopsis: Kings, queens, knights and renegades use schemes and swords to battle for the The Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

Cast: Lena Headey, Jack Gleeson, Sean Bean, Michelle Fairley, Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Mark Addy, Jason Momoa

I’ve never been much of a fantasy fan so it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that I’d never heard of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” fantasy book series. In all honesty I came to Game of Thrones, the HBO series, as green as you could possibly come. I was aware of it simply because I’d heard other people talking about but never quite knew what it was actually about. I watched the first episode and I was still fairly confused as to what it was all about, not to mention being bombarded with family names, locations and story mythology. If you come to this series as green as I did then don’t be surprised if you feel like you are already trying to catch up with what’s going on right from the start. That being said, once you get a better handle of story’s dynamics, 2 to 3 episodes in for me, Game of Thrones just drags you into it’s gritty devilishly delicious story of intrigue and backstabbing. It’s the type of series that wonderfully produced, acted and executed. The plot contains enough twist and turns to leave you in knots after major events; this is especially true in the final episodes of season 1. The cast is filled with top notch actors and actress working off strong scripts that really pack some punch. Multiple intertwined storyline create an epic scope that’s incredibly engrossing. As I mentioned earlier the cast is top notch, so much so that attempting to explain how each actor impresses would read like some sort of shipping manifest. Sean Bean stars and he’s more than capable as the honor bound Ned Stark. Other truly impressive performances are turned in by Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Aidan Gillen and Mark Addy. Peter Dinklage truly shines as Tyrion “The Imp” Lannister, he’s simply magnetic anytime he’s on screen. As a whole, the first season is a perfect hook and one that’s sure to leave you wanting more after you watch the open ended season finale.




Synopsis: Short parodies of medical dramas.

Cast: Rob Corddry, Rob Huebel, Megan Mullally, Erinn Hayes, Ken Marino, Michael Cera, Lake Bell, Henry Winkler, Malin Akerman, Zandy Hartig, Nick Offerman


Children’s Hospital is an incredibly funny rapid fire show. First season is comprised of the 4-5 minute “episodes” which shoot medical drama parody jokes at you at an amazing rate. It’s hilarious for the most part, when it doesn’t quite hit the mark it helped by its format because nothing ever lingers too much on screen. The 2nd season offers up longer 11 minute “episodes” which still have the same effect but occasionally linger a tad to long when a joke isn’t working. The cast is a collection of wonderful comedians who are all in throughout. Nothing is off-limits and they aren’t afraid to go for the cheapest laughs while setting higher concept laughs either (such as mocking every type of behinds the scenes, live shows, TV show deaths, etc..). There’s a very loosely connected overall plot but its sparse and fairly unnecessary since it’s not really the point. Satire and parody are the name of the game here and its down quite well.

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