The Hangover's Todd Phillips produces this outrageous comedy from writers Matt Drake and Michael Bacall (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), which follows three undistinguished high-school students who attempt to achieve popularity by throwing the ultimate party. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Director: Nima Nourizadeh
Cast: Thomas Mann, Brady Hender, Alexis Knapp, Miles Teller, Peter MacKenzie
Release Date: Mar 02, 2012
Rated R for crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem - all involving teens
Runtime: 1 hr. 28 min.
Genres: Comedy
Project X is the kind of film that comes around every few years. It’s a hodgepodge of The Hangover, any 80’s teen flick, and Animal House with a lot more fire. Nima Nourizadez uses the found footage technique which give the film an authentic feel initially but with Todd Phillips, who produces, things get exponentially more absurd and over the top. It borrows heavily from other films and doesn’t really deliver anything new or exciting but it’s still a fun little trip. The characters all feel familiar but each one makes for an interesting cipher even if we only scratch the surface. The film is more concerned with mayhem and there’s an interesting and almost gleeful approval of losing total control, if I listened closely I could almost hear Tyler Durden approving in the background. I have no doubt that this film will become this generation’s party movie, each generation needs one, and there’s an approving nod from the filmmaker throughout. Regardless, it’s disposable entertainment, quickly and easily digested and just as easily forgotten.
Bluray quality; Video quality varies depending on the type of camera, it's spotty but decent; Sound is excellent with thumping beats during the party scenes which stand out.
I was hand-selected to be a member of Blu-ray Elite, a beta program from Warner Home Video which has graciously sent me this free Blu-ray disc.