Stephen King's Carrie gets a new life in this remake starring Chloë Grace Moretz as a teenager who discovers that she has the extraordinary ability to move objects with the power of her mind, which eventually leads to mayhem and horror at her high-school prom. Kimberly Peirce (Boys Don't Cry) directs, and Julianne Moore co-stars as Carrie's overbearing mother. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi
Director: Kimberly Peirce
Cast: Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday, Judy Greer
Rated R for bloody violence, disturbing images, language and some sexual content
Runtime: 1 hr. 39 min.
Genres: Horror
Remakes are a tricky business. More times than not they are simply money grabs trying to capitalize on name recognition. This remake is tough to review simply because as a stand alone film it’s not terrible. It’s fully competent with a decent cast featuring Chloë Grace Moretz who delivers a fine performance even if she’s miscast. Kimberly Peirce, clearly in paycheck mode, gives us a sleek and efficient little film. Unfortunately it hits all the exact same beats as original 1976 film. There are scant bits of modern touches (Youtube, Cellphones!) but considering the subject matter and current focus on bullying I can’t help but feel like there are plenty of missed opportunities. The remakes is solid but (in my best old man voice) do yourself a favor and watch the original or read the book because the remake is simply a rehash, albeit a decent one.