Yesterday I took an (involuntary) break from back-to-back Rocketman screenings to check in with my friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know from the trailers.
To no one's surprise, Peter Parker's plan to participate in a school trip like any normal teen goes awry.
Like almost all Marvel product, Spider-Man: Far from Home trades heavily on the capital of its star's charisma and real-life personality. Tom Holland is an absolute jackpot in this regard, having proved as charming off-screen as on, and--while Andrew Garfield remains my perfect Spidey--the more age-appropriate Holland carries a big franchise film with the ease of someone far more experienced. His supporting cast is fleshed out this time with the always-wonderful Jake Gyllenhaal, as well as recurring turns by Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Samuel L. Jackson, and Coby Smoulders. The movie's got flaws, but not a single member of this cast is among them.
Far from Home represents a sort-of torch-passing, following the events of Avengers: Endgame. The film features spectacular disaster and creature effects, yet somehow Spidey himself looks weirdly CGI-ed even when it's probably a live actor or stunt person performing. The movie is never boring, precisely, but it's too long before it even gets out of its first hour. There's a big "twist" that manages to serve its purpose while probably not being much of a surprise to most fans. Some great action sequences, an engaging cast, and spot-on humor make Far from Home a fun movie, but, ultimately, it's nothing special.
Spider-Man: Far from Home clocks in at an excessive 129 minutes and is rated PG13 for "sci-fi action violence, some language, and brief suggestive comments."
Far from Home is another fun-but-unremarkable outing from Marvel that you'll forget before the next fun-but-unremarkable outing from Marvel. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Spider-Man: Far from Home gets seven.
Fangirl points: My best boyfriend Jake (obvs.)! Martin Starr! The Ramones!