The Paranormal Activity franchise continues with this third outing from Paramount Pictures. Oren Peli and Jason Blum return to produce the highly secretive feature, with Catfish's directing duo of Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman taking on the helming duties. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi
Director: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Cast: Chloe Csengery, Jessica Tyler Brown, Christopher Nicholas Smith
Release Date: Oct 21, 2011
Rated R for some violence, language, brief sexuality and drug use
Runtime: 1 hr. 25 min.
Genres: Horror
The fact that Paranormal Activity is a franchise is an achievement in of itself. From the humblest of beginnings it’s brought us some of the best scares of the last decade. The sequel was pretty impressive in that it expanded the mythos of the original story and upped the scares. This third entry follows the same general pattern as the previous films. We hear things, see things fly around and watch as terrified people try to figure what’s going on. This third entry goes back to Katie and Kristy’s childhood to show the start of the whole thing. Directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman are right at home, they directed the possibly real / fake Catfish, in this setting. They set up some interesting scares and while the film keeps with the previous film’s mantra of being subtle, they show more of what goes bump in the night. It’s all done well, even if it makes you wonder if along with demonic possession a need to document everything on film is a family trait. Sadly, something is missing here. There are a few jump scares but it lacks the pop of the first two. As a result it all feels very like you are going down a road well traveled and the scares all come at fairly obvious moments. The bigger sin is that the mythos isn’t expanded all that much, most of the plot has been mentioned in the previous films so there is no massive reveal to make the whole thing worthwhile.