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Showing posts with label 300: Rise of an Empire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 300: Rise of an Empire. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cindy Prascik's Reviews of Philomena & 300: Rise of an Empire

Dearest Blog, determined NOT to burn 130 minutes on video-game flick, yesterday I took a pass on the weekend's new releases and caught up on a couple movies I'd missed: Philomena and 300: Rise of an Empire.

Spoiler level here will be mild, nothing you wouldn't know or have guessed from the trailers.

My opening act was Philomena.

A woman who was sent to a convent as a pregnant teen enlists the help of a journalist to find the son who was taken from her.

Now, dear readers, I know what you're thinking: "Isn't it kind of pointless for a nobody like you to review a film that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has already deemed one of last year's top ten best movies?" To you cynics I reply: No more pointless than any of my other reviews.

So there.

Having said that, I'll cop to being in agreement with the Academy on this one. Philomena is a beautiful movie that manages to tell a sad story without ever being miserable about it. Judi Dench is just perfect in the title role, moving effortlessly from devout and stoic to heartbreaking to hilariously clueless. Steve Coogan is also phenomenal as the jaded journalist charged with bringing Philomena's story to light. Though it's hardly a fast-paced action thriller, Philomena felt about ten minutes long, and I was well and truly sad when it was over (though I was delighted to escape the four over-perfumed women who sat in front of me and talked loudly through the whole thing).

Philomena runs 98 minutes and is rated PG13 for "some strong language, thematic elements, and sexual references."

Philomena may not have been the Academy's choice as last year's Best Picture, but I think it would have been mine. Of a possible nine Weasleys, Philomena gets eight and a half.

The second half of my Saturday double-bill was the prequel/sequel/whatever 300: Rise of an Empire.

A general hopes to unite Greece's armies against invading Persians.

Confession time: I've never bothered to watch the first 300 all the way through. I mean, since it's been running here and there on TV for nearly a decade, I've probably seen the whole thing in bits, but I've never felt compelled to sit down and watch it properly. One decent new release would have bumped the sequel off my weekend agenda as well, but I guess the people who made 300 can thank Need for Speed for my seven bucks.

Rise of an Empire gives the fetching Eva Green free reign to ham it up in the female lead. If you're a girl, I can't imagine you'd walk out in less than an ass-kicking mood. (Gentlemen, beware!) Sullivan Stapleton is about as ho-hum a leading man as I've ever seen, but the material doesn't exactly require a Robert Downey, Jr., so it's not that much of a problem. I was delighted to see Hans Matheson in a featured role; I've missed him these last couple years.

As you'd expect, Rise of an Empire is a good-looking film. The battle scenes are well choreographed and gruesome, the scenery and costumes quite striking, and I instantly fell in love with the movie's thundering soundtrack. Unfortunately, none of that was enough to hold my attention for the duration, and I found plenty of time to contemplate things like Stapleton's ugly toenails and whoever thought it was a good idea to go into battle in mini-skirts and sandals. Oh, where the mind wanders when you give it a little lead...

300: Rise of an Empire clocks in at 102 minutes and is rated R for "strong sustained sequences of stylized bloody violence throughout, a sex scene, nudity, and some language." It's enjoyable enough, but nothing I'll be running back to see again and again.

Of a possible nine Weasleys, 300: Rise of an Empire gets five, because any less wouldn't properly show my appreciation for dirty, bloody, half-naked dudes.

Until next time.

Well, I don't know about you, but the minute I visit craft services, my skirt feels too tight...

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) assembles his troops to fend off an invading Persian army led by the immortal Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and the vindictive Persian navy commander Artemisia (Eva Green) in this sequel to 300 based on the graphic novel Xerses by Frank Miller. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

Director: Noam Murro

Cast: Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey, Rodrigo Santoro, David Wenham

Release Date: Mar 07, 2014

RealD 3D

Rated: R for strong sustained sequences of stylized bloody violence throughout, a sex scene, nudity and some language

Runtime: 1 hr. 43 min.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Whether you loved it or hated it, 300 was a landmark film of sorts.  Its visual style set off a series of imitators all trying to achieve that level of visual glory.  I personally loved 300 even if its story was a bit hollow, the visual fest on display was more than enough to make up for it.   8 years later with a new director at the helm we finally get a sort of sequel.  It’s a prequel and sequel all rolled up in one with event happening before, concurrently and after the events of 300.  It covers a lot of ground and surprisingly it’s incredibly engaging powered by a beefier story behind it.  Sullivan Stapleton is a fine lead even if he doesn’t have the bravado or magnetism of Gerard Butler’s Leonidas.  Eva Green though is the real star of the film.  She vamps up the screen with a maniacal glee which is sure to leave a lasting impression all while wearing an assortment of dominatrix meets gladiator fetish garb.  Each of their roles has a nice bit of depth giving them more heft than expected, it’s a shame there very little characterization for the supporting characters though.  As a result pretty much all the supporting players are just fodder for the beautifully choreographed battles.  Blood splatters everywhere, typically followed by limbs or heads, in a dizzying display of blood soaked madness all on the high seas!  The film ends with a nice opening for the final chapter; hopefully it won’t take another 8 years.    


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[Trailer] 300: Rise of an Empire

300 was a stylish mix of high tech visuals and pseudo historical fantasy. It was much stronger on the visual side than it was on the story side but it was enjoyable.

The trailer for the upcoming sequel offers up similarly striking visuals with scant details about the story. We do get a glance at Eva Green’s villainess and some impressive looking sea set battles. We'll have to wait till March 2014 to see if it comes together as a film.

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