Dearest Blog: 2018 was a strange year for movies, as it was a strange year in many, many ways. I only saw 70 new movies during the year that's winding down, which is 20-30 off my normal total. At fault were two main factors: First, there were fewer movies that felt like imperative viewing, and, secondly, the behavior of movie audiences has become so bad that I'm less inclined to get out and see something just to see it, or merely to have content for the blog. I've become much more likely to seek out something I can watch at home than to brave the talkers, texters, seat-kickers, and smuggled-candy rattlers at the cinema.
Normally, year's end finds me trying to whittle 20-25 favorites down into a top-ten list, but this year only 13 movies earned final consideration. This year also may mark the greatest divergence yet between my list and the lists of people who get paid for their movie opinions. As usual, that's due in part to many awards contenders not getting screen time locally until they rack up a pocketful of major nominations, but mostly paid film critics and I just don't agree on what makes a good movie. I hope you'll consider both of our opinions, then get out to the movies and form your own.
Disclaimer: As usual, repeat viewings or the lack of opportunity for same may result in a film's original Weasley rating not being reflected in its year-end position.
Without further ado, my top ten best/favorite movies of 2018:
10. Black Panther (original Weasley rating 9/9) Black Panther is a superhero whose time has come. Marvel once again hits the casting jackpot with Chadwick Boseman, who fronts a compelling tale fleshed out by vibrant visuals and an amazing score. It burns me just a little that Black Panther will be the first of its genre to earn serious awards consideration, an honor deserved by The Dark Knight and/or Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but that's the system's problem and can't be held against the movie. Two claws way up!
9. Sherlock Gnomes (original Weasley rating 8/9) Sherlock Gnomes took a beating from critics and fans alike, but I loved it for its bright colors, boppy tunes, extremely reasonable runtime, and, of course, Johnny Depp. If there hadn't been much good said about it before, upon the release of Holmes and Watson, at the very least it became the best big-screen Sherlock Holmes of 2018.
8. Aquaman (original Weasley rating 8/9) DC's big-screen Aquaman takes a long-ridiculed, B-list hero and makes him a box-office juggernaut, thanks to a well-crafted film and Jason Momoa's effortless coolness. It's not as dark as past DC offerings, nor as silly as garden-variety Marvel; instead Aquaman makes its own niche and is better for it.
7. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (original Weasley rating 8/9) I love the Hotel Transylvania franchise for its ability to bring a little bit of creepiness into any season. The third installment in the series is colorful, bouncy fun, and, as always, benefits from limiting Adam Sandler to just one stupid voice, as opposed to his usual array of MANY stupid voices. Long live Drac!
6. Green Book (original Weasley rating 9/9) Green Book is an "inspired by actual events" story that, if it takes some liberties with real life, its message is no less timely or important for it. Magnificent performances from Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen make Green Book one of the year's true must-see movies.
5. Hunter Killer (original Weasley rating 8/9) Quit laughing, will ya? Hunter Killer is an epic two hours of enormous effects, steely glances, and male posturing, all the things that bring me to the big screen regardless of any other considerations. Throw in my fave, Gary Oldman, and Gerard Butler doing his best meathead hero, and you've got a guaranteed new classic that I'll watch hundreds of times once it hits cable.
4. Darkest Hour (original Weasley rating 9/9) Oscar says this is last year's film, but I didn't see it 'til January, so it makes my 2018 list. An everything-winning turn by Gary Oldman heads a picture that keeps you on the edge of your seat despite knowing how it all turns out in the end.
3. Bohemian Rhapsody (original Weasley rating 9/9) Another based-on-a-true-story that takes some cinematic license with the facts, Bohemian Rhapsody is an uplifting biopic that proves the old saying: a happy ending depends on where you end your story. A star-making turn by Rami Malik makes Bohemian Rhapsody a top contender as we cruise through the heart of Awards Season.
2. Paddington 2 (original Weasley rating 9/9) Paddignton 2 is a delight. The charming and thoroughly-English continuing adventures of an endearing teddy bear and his family boasts a top-notch cast, with a standout performance by Hugh Grant as its villain. Paddington 2 is movie-making at its finest, not to be missed by anyone of any age.
1. Den of Thieves (original Weasley rating 8/9) From its first trailer, I started calling Den of Thieves my number-one movie of 2018. If we're being honest, along the way I truly expected some big-budget superhero epic or favorite actor's awards bid to unseat it, we are, and here it is. I re-watched it again the night before last just to be sure this was where I wanted it, and, yeah, it is. Shootouts, car chases, Gerard Butler's chest-thumping anti-hero, and an unexpectedly terrific ending make Den of Thieves the kind of movie that will always draw me to the cinema. (For the record, I noticed upon preparing this list that I saw my number-one and number-two movies on the same day, way back in January, and that about sums up the kind of year it’s been at the cinema.)
So, dear reader(s), another year draws to a close. Many thanks to everyone who reads this blog, who takes the time to like, comment, and share, and especially to Daniel, for letting me be a part of his first-class movie page. Best wishes to everyone in 2019, may it be a better year for us all. Happy New Year!
PS: Where's my Cats trailer??

Den of Thieves is THE BEEEST!!