The search for a missing teen leads two private investigators into a derelict house littered with mysterious VHS tapes in this sequel to the hit horror }\anthology} VHS. As the detectives scan the videotapes in search of vital clues, what they find instead is a series of tales so shocking they are driven to the edge of madness. Genre specialists Simon Barrett, Adam Wingard, Jason Eisener, Edúardo Sanchez, Greg Hale, Timo Tjahjanto, and Gareth Evans lead viewers on a terrifying ride into a world where your worst nightmares come true. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Director: Jason Eisener, Adam Wingard, Eduardo Sanchez, Gareth Evans, Gregg Hale
Cast: Adam Wingard, Lawrence Levine, Kelsy Abbott, Hannah Al Rashid, Fachry Albar
Release Date: Jul 12, 2013
Rated R for for bloody violence, strong sexuality, graphic nudity, pervasive language
Runtime: 1 hr. 36 min.
Genres: Horror, Suspense/Thriller
I was fairly impressed with the impressive anthology V/H/S even though it was a tad overlong and a tad choppy. The 2nd entry turns in a more streamlined effort with fewer entries but higher quality overall. So let’s dissect each segment on their own.
Tape 49 – Wrap Around story
The weakest part of the film is the most thankless as well. It’s barely fleshed out more than the original and still doesn’t provide any sort of cohesive center. The story is weak and fairly predictable. It comes off as intrusive and superfluous.
Phase I Clinical Trials
Adam Wingrad’s entry is fun and has a fun sense of humor. It lacks any real scares relying too heavily on cheap jump scares. It’s fun but forgettable.
A Ride in the Park
Eduardo Sanchez (Blair Witch Project) & Gregg Hale give the zombie genre a nice little twist. Their short has some nice energy while giving us a first person account of the life span of a zombie with humor and a surprising bit of emotion.
Safe Haven
Gareth Huw Evans, the wunderkid who directed The Raid, gives us the film’s best short of the group. Its head and shoulder above the best in terms of story and technical skill. It starts off slowly but quickly builds to crescendo building some nice teeth gnashing tension and giving us some truly gory images. The latter portion of the film keeps 1-uping itself with insanely creepy images. This probably should have been saved for the last segment because it’s a tough act to follow.
Slumber Party Alien Abduction
Jason Eisener (Hobo with a Shotgun) gives a dog’s eye view of an alien abduction. He uses plenty of practical effect and lighting resulting in a decidedly 80’s feel. The short is fun but the idea is limited. The scares begin to repeat themselves as it goes on, just changing locations as it goes.
In the end, it was a smart move to use only 4 segments. The quality of each is stronger and even the weaker ones are still fun. I’d personally love to see a third entry because this series can give us some gems like Safe Haven which I hope they make into a full length movie someday.
Horror isn't my thing, but the concept is intriguing.
I gotcha James, the anthology approach does afford some creativity you wouldn't see regularly. I'm surprised more genres don't try it.
DeleteI can't hardly wait for this one. The first part wasn't my cuppa, but the director-lineup for Part 2 is simply impressive. Huge fan of Jason Eisener (best genre director at the moment) and I'm so effin' excited for some post-Raid Gareth-Evans-awesomeness :)